Monday, November 25, 2013

Climate Change

                                                                   We Must All Move Now

“Save mother earth, Save mother nature… Prevent Warming”
A simple slogan but in reality it gives us very important meaning. Global warming, greenhouse effect or pollution. No wonder we are facing today climate change. Climate change that cause a very harmful and shameful condition in our lives today. Because of this climate change we are now suffering so mush calamities which destroys our lives like floods, erosion's, tsunamis and storm sages.
If we compare our climate now from the past, there are so many difference. That’s why in terms of our nature I feel jealous because during the old days    their nature is very rich not only in terms of food but in terms of natural and good surroundings.

We must move now to change this bad thing into good things, because if we don’t , then we will take the risk of it. If we don’t want to regret, then let’s all move now. Because we don’t know if when will our life end.

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